Home » Phygital Fashion » Virtual Fashion » Accidental Cut SS 22
ACCIDENTAL CUT SS22 _ 3d fashion animation
The ‘ACCIDENTAL CUT’ collection for Spring/Summer 2022 was presented at London Fashion Week UK through a 3D fashion animation format. It serves as a prime example of 3D digital fashion design, delving into the realm of fashion art and exploring the endless possibilities of the virtual fashion.
This collection underscores the roots of the Accidental Cutting experimental pattern cutting method. This method hinges on accidental, abstract, and random cuts and patterns, resulting in the creation of unique and previously unseen volumes. This unconventional approach forms the cornerstone of the brand’s identity. Not only does it push the boundaries of volumetric construction, but it also delves into the concept of accidental cuts themselves, drawing parallels between abstract pattern cuts and those that cause physical injuries. This directly reinforces the brand’s image and name.
Moreover, virtual fashion construction offers a sustainable alternative by eschewing physical prototyping, filming, and commercial presentations.
Fashion concept art
Moving from 3D digital fashion design to fashion concept art, virtuality acts as a medium for creating and communicating realities beyond the physical realm. It frees creations from gravity’s constraints and offers filming opportunities without needing extravagant real-world resources. Consequently, 3D digital fashion design transcends its utilitarian function, becoming fashion concept art. Virtual fashion transforms into virtual sculptural volumes in motion, transcending mere 3D fashion animations.
Additionally, this collection marks the brand’s third virtual fashion showcase at London Fashion Week UK.

“Activity carried out with the support of the City Hall of Madrid ” / “Proyecto realizado con el apoyo del programa de ayudas a la creación y la movilidad del Ayuntamiento de Madrid”