Accidental Cutting experimental pattern cutting method by Eva Iszoro

“SILVER DELIGHT” 2022_bid Award 2024

Category: Fashion/Textile and Accessoires Design

Accidental Cutting by Eva Iszoro has been awarded the Prize in the Fashion, Textile, and Accessories Design category at the Ninth Edition of the Ibero-American Design Biennial, with the project ‘Silver Delight.’

 “Silver Delight” represents a synthesis of the core values of the fashion brand and artistic project ACCIDENTAL CUTTING by Eva Iszoro, which includes the use of the experimental pattern-making method Accidental Cutting, intellectual property of Eva Iszoro, and the passion for technology and the new possibilities it allows for creation and communication. 

The experimental pattern-making method Accidental Cutting is one of the few current experimental pattern-making methods formulated globally, aimed at creating original volumes that have not existed until now, through abstract, random, and accidental flat patterns, with applications in fashion as well as in any other type of design.


Transformation process: from pattern to volume according to the Accidental Cutting experimental pattern-making method

Accidental Cutting is theoretically founded on the author’s doctoral thesis, which was awarded the Extraordinary Doctoral Thesis Award by the Polytechnic University of Madrid in 2017.  “Silver Delight” is the direct application of the method to physical garments, derived from the virtual fashion collection ‘Konsum’ AW 2021/2022, presented at London Fashion Week.For the exhibition, physical pieces, virtual pieces, and sequences of the creative process are proposed to be displayed on screens, along with augmented reality experiences.