ACCIDENTAL CUT SS22 – The new “ACCIDENTAL CUT” collection for Spring / Summer 2022 emphasizes the origins of the Accidental Cutting experimental pattern method, which bases the creative process on accidental, abstract and random cuts and patterns through which unique and unknown volumes can be built, inexistent until now. This approach represents the distinctive identity of the brand. Not only new ways of volumetric construction are explored, but in general the concept of accidental cuts themselves, establishing a parallelism between any type of incisions, including those that cause injuries and abstract pattern cuts. At the same time, this directly references and reinforces the brand´s image and name. The virtual construction can be considered as a sustainable approach, renouncing physical construction in the prototyping, filming and even commercial presentation of the product. On the other hand, virtuality is explored as a means of creation and communication of unthinkable realities in the physical world, escaping from gravity and opening filming possibilities without resorting to extravagant and expensive means pertaining to the real world. In this sense, fashion becomes art, a virtual sculptural volume in motion. 

“Activity carried out with the support of the City Hall of Madrid ” / “Proyecto realizado con el apoyo del programa de ayudas a la creación y la movilidad del Ayuntamiento de Madrid”

This video was created exclusively for the official schedule of London Fashion Week, September 2021. 3D design of clothes and objects, animation, lighting and filming by Eva Iszoro. The music for this film was composed by Johnny Paradiso, @johnnyinparadise.