Accidental Cutting experimental pattern cutting method by Eva Iszoro
Terms and Conditions Welcome to the website You  can contact  Customer Service by sending an e-mail to anytime or by calling at (+34) 661 915 630 from Monday to Friday from 10.30 a.m. to 18.30 p.m. GMT+1.
  1. Guarantee.
1.1 Users benefit from a 2-year-warranty issued by the manufacturer on all of the products sold in All items offered in are 100% authentic. 1.2 Items received defective or incorrect must be informed to Accidental Cutting within 48 hours and may be returned within 14 (fourteen) days as stipulated in the current Return Policy. It will be available to the user whether to opt for an exchange for another product or a full refund of the amount paid. 1.3 Any imperfections due to incorrect usage or manipulation of the products or wear and tear produced by normal use of the products, are not under guarantee. Before shipping, each and every item is subject to an exhaustive quality control, where our logistics team carefully checks the product and take pictures of it , making sure that complies the standards to be handed to our customers. This information must be kept in mind when users inform about a damaged or defected item delivered. 1.4 Discounted products may have slight marks due to normal use given by exposure in any of our physical stores. This may be one of the reasons why such a product is lowered in pice, and will not be considered as tare or defective.
  1. Customer Service
2.1 For any clarification, incident or complaint, you can contact the Customer Service by phone (+34) 661 915 630 from Monday to Friday from 10.30 a.m. to 18.30 p.m. GMT+1. Or, by email to anytime. Complaint forms available in our flagship store in calle Realatores 14, 1º dcha. 28-012, Madrid, Spain.
  1. Intellectual property and industrial rights
3.1 All elements and content of Accidental Cutting, such as images, photographs, text, music, sounds, videos, documents, logos and any other material in any format published in (including menus, web pages, outlines, colours, graphs, tools, characters, the design of the website, diagrams, structure, the selection, order and presentation of content, methods, processes, functions and programming that are a part of www. accidentalcutting. com) are protected by national intellectual property and other laws safeguarding the intellectual and industrial rights, the website is considered a computer program and as such is also protected by intellectual property and industrial rights legislation. Your use of the site and its contents grants no rights to you in relation to any copyright, designs, trademarks and any other intellectual property and material rights relating to the content. 3.2 You cannot reproduce, transform, change, disassemble, carry out inverse engineering, distribute, rent, loan, facilitate, allow public access through any media, or carry out any other action forbidden by law regarding intellectual property and industrial rights, on any of the elements referred to in the above paragraph without the consent of IDEAL PLACE SL. You must use the materials, elements, content and information to which you have access through, only for your own needs, and you agree not to commercially exploit the above elements either directly or indirectly.
  1. Note on content
4.1 Accidental Cutting has taken all possible measures to ensure that  does not publish content depicting scenes of physical or psychological violence, or any scenes which may be considered harmful to civic principles, human rights or human dignity in any of its forms or expressions. 4.2 Accidental Cutting has taken every precaution to ensure that content in www. is correct and up-to-date relative to its publication on the website (and if possible thereafter). 4.3 Though Accidental Cutting tries to guarantee continual access to the website, the dynamic character of the internet and its content, may not allow to operate without interruptions whilst updating the website. Accidental Cutting cannot guarantee that the website will operate continuously and without interruptions, defects or errors, due to your internet connection. If any problem should arise during access to, please contact our Customer Services department or send an email to An operative will be at your disposal to provide assistance and help you to access the website whenever possible. 4.4 Accidental Cutting, has adopted the adequate technical and organisational measures to safeguard the security of its services in and the integrity of data relative to electronic communication and traffic, protecting them against non authorised use or knowledge. We have also adopted measures to avoid the risk of dispersion, destruction or loss of information or data, reserved or un reserved, pertaining to the user and those present in, to prevent non authorised access or that which is does not conform to the current law and legislation to the abovementioned information 4.5 You are solely responsible for your own conduct on access to the site as well as during access. Therefore you are solely responsible before Accidental Cutting and third parties of:
  • Any consequences derived from illicit use of content within the net, developed or not by Accidental Cutting, officially published or not under our name;
  • As well as the consequences derived from any use contrary to the present document and harmful to third party interests or rights, or which in any way could harm, render useless or deteriorate the website or its services or prevent other users from enjoying it normally.
4.6 Accidental Cutting reserves the right to update content at any time and to eliminate, limit or prevent access to it, temporarily or definitively, as well as deny access to the webpage to those who misuse content and/or do not comply with the conditions outlined herein. 4.7 Accidental Cutting does not guarantee:
  • Uninterrupted access to the website or linked websites or that they are free of error.
  • That the content or software accessed by you through the website or linked websites does not have any errors, viruses or other elements in content that could alter your computer systems, electronic documents or files, or cause any other damage
  • The exploitation of information or content of the website or linked websites for your own personal use.
  1. Links with other websites
5.1 Accidental Cutting may contain hyperlinks (known as “links”) with other websites that are not related in any way to Accidental Cutting. 5.2 The object of the links is to help you during searches and browsing and to enable hypertext connections to other websites. The activation of the links does not imply any recommendation or suggestion by Accidental Cutting regarding these websites or any guarantee regarding their content, services or goods supplied and sold to the users of the Internet. 5.3 Accidental Cutting does not control these websites or their content, nor do they monitor them in any way. We cannot be considered responsible for the content of these websites nor for the rules adopted with regards to the privacy of the user or how they treat personal information whilst browsing. 5.4 Accidental Cutting does not control these websites or their content, nor do they monitor them in any way. We cannot be considered responsible for the content of these websites nor for the rules adopted with regards to the privacy of the user or how they treat personal information whilst browsing.
  1. Privacy
6.1 We urge you to read our Privacy Policy carefully if browsing even if you are not going to make a purchase.
  1. Updating and changing the Terms and Conditions
7.1 Accidental Cutting reserves the right to change the present Terms and Conditions at any time and without notifying you. You are solely responsible for reading them as a prerequisite to purchasing any product from The Terms and Conditions published at the time of purchase will be the ones considered valid and applicable. 7.2 If any clause within the present Terms and Conditions is declared null and void, the rest of the clauses will remain valid and will be interpreted taking into account each party and the purpose of the present Conditions. Accidental Cutting does not have to exercise any of the rights and faculties conferred in this document, which does not, in any case, imply the rejection of these unless it is expressly stated by Accidental Cutting, or through the legal application corresponding to each case.
  1. Applicable legislation and conflict resolution
8.1 The present Terms and Conditions are ruled by Spanish legislation. Specifically. Law 7/1998, 13 April, on the General Conditions for Contracts (Condiciones Generales de Contratación), the Legislative Decree 1/2007, 16 November, which approves the General Law for Consumer and User Rights (Ley General para la Defensa de Consumidores y Usuarios) and other complementary laws, the Royal Decree 1906/1999, 17 December 1999 that regulates Telephone or Electronic Contracts with general conditions (Contratación Telefónica o Electrónica con condiciones generales), the Organic Law 15/1999, 13 December, for the protection of personal data (Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal), Law 7/1996, 15 January for the Regulation of Retailers (Ordenación del Comercio Minorista) and Law 34/2002, 11 July, for Services for the Information Society and electronic commerce (Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico). 8.2 To resolve any controversy or conflict derived from the present Terms and Conditions, Accidental Cutting Accidental Cutting Accidental Cutting Accidental Cutting Accidental Cutting will submit to the criteria established by law applicable to consumers and users.